Coronavirus: managing a crisis
In recent months there have been many challenges and difficulties, but we have never stopped.

As the mountains have taught us: if conditions change and the obstacles grow in number, all we can do is react as quickly as possible. And that is exactly what we have done. We have taken on our responsibilities and decided to make collaboration our winning card so as to guarantee business continuity and limit the effects of the coronavirus.

We did not feel the need to make any official declaration about the fact that we maintained all our previously agreed commitments with our suppliers or implemented measures to contain the virus. Too often, words and promises simply distract from the steps actually taken to manage a crisis.

We are sailing in choppy waters, preparing to face the second wave of the virus by activating and intensifying all the actions that have allowed us to face the emergency once already. We have tried to counteract the effects as much as possible, both internally with our employees and externally with our suppliers and their staff.

For detailed information on how Oberalp has managed Covid-19, click on the "Download" button and read the full document.