Oberalp goes circular
Sustainable Product Development through Circular Design

We have set ourselves ambitious goals to reduce our climate impact. We know that around 70% of our corporate carbon footprint is made up of the emissions generated by our products: the way we design and produce them, and once they are produced, the possibilities we offer to extend their use. And ultimately, in the solutions available out there to put all materials that reach their end of life, back in the loop. We need to rethink our products and services, go circular.

We contribute by re-thinking our role in the lifetime of the products we design. We are going beyond a company that carefully chooses materials and suppliers, and produces and sells high-quality, technical products, and evolving into one that makes them repairable, offers services to extend their lifetime and if possible, offers solutions for the end of life of components and products, when they are no longer repairable.

Our Circularity Criteria
We have developed a Circular Approach, which integrates the concepts of Circularity into our product development and processes: starting from design, we aim at optimising the flow of resources and keeping their value at the highest point for longer. In short: we aim to extend the lifetime of products and materials and delay their dismantling for as long as possible to avoid the use of new resources. And when they can no longer be used, we want to build a network of partners that will ensure that they are put back into the loop.
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